Page 22 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 22

on     replacing                  education. She resigned from
        "all  men    are                  the Assembly in protest against
        created   equal"                  the partition of India.
        with "all human                       Malati  Choudhury     was
        beings       are                  a     prominent
        created equal" in the Universal   social reformer,
        Declaration of Human Rights at    freedom  fighter,
        the United Nations. On August 15,   and  Gandhian
        1947, she presented the national   leader.    She
        flag to the Constituent Assembly   actively participated in the
        on behalf of the women of India.   Bhoodan Movement led by
            Kamla    Chaudhry     was     Vinoba Bhave. She founded the
        a   writer  and                   Utkal Congress Socialist Party
        political activist                (1938),   Naba   Bharat   Yuvak
        who participated                  Sangha  (1934),  and  Baji  Rout
        in    the   Civil                 Chhatravas (1948).
        D is ob ed ie nc e                    Purnima Banerjee was a
        Movement in 1930, and was         fearless activist
        imprisoned by the British. She    and    a     key
        served as a member of the         member  of  the
        Provincial Government after the   Congress      in
        adoption of the Constitution. She   Allahabad.  In
        wrote on the themes of gender     the Assembly, she contributed
        discrimination, exploitation of   to discussions on the Preamble,
        peasants and poor condition of    preventive detention, and the
        widows.                           qualifications  of  Rajya  Sabha
            Leela Roy was a politician    members.
        and     reformer,                     Rajkumari Amrit Kaur was
        and    a   close                  instrumental  in
        associate     of                  establishing AIIMS
        Netaji   Subhas                   and   the   Lady
        Chandra    Bose.                  Irwin    College
        She  extensively  worked  for  girls'   as   India’s   first

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