Page 24 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 24

The Making of the Indian Constitution:

                         Legacy and Impact

                                          and integrity of the Nation;
                                              IN   OUR     CONSTITUENT
                                          ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day
                                          of November, 1949, do HEREBY
                                          ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO
                                          OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION.

               A Surya Prakash
            Former Chairman, Prasar

            The Constitution of India’s
        Preamble reads:
            WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA,
        having solemnly resolved to           Such is the legacy of the
        constitute India into a SOVEREIGN   Indian Constitution that it stands
        SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC      as a monumental document
        REPUBLIC and to secure to all     which  not  only  defines  the
        its  citizens:  JUSTICE,  social,  governance    structure   of
        economic and political; LIBERTY   India  but   also   embodies
        of thought, expression, belief,   the aspirations of a diverse,
        faith and worship; EQUALITY of    democratic,   and   pluralistic
        status and of  opportunity;  and   society. Its creation, shaped
        to promote among them all         by  the  confluence  of  various
        FRATERNITY assuring the dignity   historical, social, and political
        of the individual and the unity   forces, marks one of the most

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