Page 26 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 26

to be treated as separate items   cultural heritage and is uniquely
        in a trinity. They form a union   tailored to the Indian context,
        of trinity in the sense that to   with provisions that considered
        divorce one from the other is     the country’s historical, cultural,
        to defeat the very purpose of     and social realities.
        democracy. Liberty cannot be          Dr  Ambedkar  specifically
        divorced from equality, equality   mentioned India’s democratic
        cannot be divorced from liberty.   heritage in the Constituent
        Nor can liberty and equality      Assembly  when  he  referred  to
        be divorced from fraternity.      democratic and parliamentary
        “Without fraternity, equality and   practices  prevailing  in  the
        liberty will be no deeper than    Hindu kingdoms and Buddhist
        coats of paint”.                  Sanghas over 2500 years ago.
            Further, he had warned            “It is not that India did not
        mere political equality would not   know what is Democracy. There
        do. We would need                             was a time when
        to strive for equality                        India was studded
        in the social and                             with republics, and
        economic planes as                            even where there
        well.                                         were monarchies,
            The text of some                          they were either
        provisions  in  the                           elected or limited.
        Indian Constitution is                        They  were  never
        drawn from various international   absolute. It is not that India
        sources incorporating elements    did  not  know  Parliaments  or
        from   the  British,  American,   Parliamentary   Procedure.  A
        Irish, and Canadian  systems of   study of the Buddhist Bhikshu
        governance. But the marma or      Sanghas discloses that not
        the core values and essence       only there were Parliaments-for
        is   derived   from   Bharat’s    the Sanghas were nothing but
        civilisational  experience.  For  Parliaments – but the Sanghas
        example,  this  land  and  its    knew and observed all the rules
        people have lived in harmony      of  Parliamentary   Procedure
        amidst diversity and plurality    known  to  modern times.  They
        of thought from the days of       had rules regarding seating
        the  Rig Veda which said: “Ekam   arrangements, rules regarding
        Sat, Vipra Bahudha Vadanti”,      Motions, Resolutions, Quorum,
        meaning the truth is one, but     Whip, Counting of Votes, Voting
        the wise perceive it differently.   by  Ballot,  Censure  Motion,
        In other words, the Constitution   Regularization, Res  Judicata,
        speaks the language  of  India’s   etc.  Although these  rules  of

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