Page 23 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 23

woman cabinet minister. She       Minister.    Her
          contributed to shaping the        rendition of Vande
          provisions on public health in    Mataram  during
          the Directive Principles of State   the Independence
          Policy.                           Session  of  the
              Renuka Ray was a resolute     Assembly remains legendary.
                                               Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit was
          for women's
                                            a  diplomat  and
                                            political  leader
          rights and made
                                            who     became
                                            the  first  woman
          contributions to debates on
                                            President of the
          minority and women's rights in
                                            United Nations General Assembly
          the Assembly.
                                            (1953).  She  represented  India
              She   also   played    an
                                            at the UN and was a key voice
          important role in the All-India
                                            in projecting India's image as a
          Women’s Conference.
                                            newly independent democratic
              Sarojini Naidu,  known as
                                            nation on the global stage.
          the 'Nightingale
          of India', was a
                                               These 15 women architects
          poet, activist, and
                                            of the Constituent Assembly
          freedom  fighter.
                                            laid the foundation for a just
          She  became  the
                                            and inclusive democracy. Their
          President  of  the Indian  National
                                            courage,  determination,  and
          Congress and later served as
                                            intellect not only shaped India's
          the  first  Governor  of  the  United
          Provinces. She was arrested       Constitution but also paved the
          multiple  times   during  the     way for generations of women
          freedom struggle.                 to actively participate in the
              Sucheta   Kriplani  is  an    nation's political and social
          integral  figure  in  the  Quit  India   development.
          Movement who made history            Their legacy continues to
          as  India's  first  woman  Chief   inspire the nation.

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