Page 21 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 21
(WIA), which advocated for India to move beyond caste-
addressing social issues like based discrimination. Her
child marriage and devadasi speeches often highlighted the
practice; and demanded voting importance of a united nation
rights for women. built on democratic principles
She emphasised that the and equal rights.
Constitution rests on the pillars Begum Aizaz Rasul was
of Fundamental Rights and the only Muslim
Directive Principles, ensuring woman member
freedom of worship and equal of the Constituent
rights for women. Assembly. She
Annie Mascarene was a discarded the
prominent leader purdah in 1937 to win her first
in the movement election. A passionate advocate
for integrating of women's sports, she played a
princely states key role in popularising women's
into India. She hockey.
was among the first women Durgabai Deshmukh
to join the Travancore State was a social
Congress and later served on the reformer and
Constituent Assembly's select freedom fighter
committee for the Hindu Code who actively
Bill. She was the first woman participated
from Kerala to be elected as an in Mahatma Gandhi's Salt
MP. Satyagraha and was imprisoned
Dakshayani Velayudhan, multiple times by British
the only Dalit authorities. She emphasised the
woman in the need for Family Courts in India
Constituent after studying similar systems
Assembly, abroad.
emphasised Hansa Jivraj Mehta was
the need for dignity and a committed advocate for
equality for all citizens, urging women's rights who insisted
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