Page 20 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 20
Women Architects of the Indian
I salute all those great The Constituent Assembly
personalities of the
Constituent Assembly, who was formed on December 6,
gave us our sacred Constitution. 1946, for the monumental task
During the Constituent
Assembly, long deliberations of drafting the Constitution of
were held on many subjects.
Those discussions, the India. The assembly was initially
thoughts of the members of composed of 389 members,
the Constituent Assembly, their
words, are our great heritage. later reduced to 299, including
15 women members. Coming
-Prime Minister Narendra Modi
(in 'Mann ki Baat' address) from diverse backgrounds,
these 15 leading members
made remarkable contributions
not just during the drafting of
the Constitution, but before and
after that too.
Among them were
“The first step towards creating
politicians, freedom-fighters,
the Indian Constitution began
with the establishment of the and lawyers who debated and
Constituent Assembly in 1946. strongly put forth their views and
The assembly was composed
opinions in the Assembly.
of elected representatives from
Ammu Swaminathan was
the provinces, princely states,
and other territories, and its a fearless social
primary responsibility was to worker and
formulate the Constitution for
politician. She
the newly independent nation.”
played a key
- A Surya Prakash
Former Chairman, Prasar role in setting
Bharati up Women’s Indian Association
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