Page 17 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 17

did many great things as an       connects me with the collective
          administrator as well. His efforts   efforts of the nation; with the
          related  to  schools  for children,   collective willpower of all of you.
          arrangements    for  milk  for    Every month I receive a large
          poor children and cleanliness     number of your suggestions and
          are remembered even today.        ideas and each time I see these
          Netaji Subhas also had a deep     ideas, my faith in the resolve of
          connection with radio. People     Viksit  Bharat  rises  further.  All  of
          eagerly waited to listen to him   you should continue to make
          on Azad Hind Radio, that he had   efforts to make India the best
          established. His speeches lent a   through your work. That is all for
          new strength to the fight against   this edition of ‘Mann ki Baat‘. We
          foreign rule. News bulletins were   will meet again next month with
          broadcast  on  ‘Azad  Hind  Radio’   new stories of achievements,
          in English, Hindi, Tamil, Bangla,   resolves and accomplishments
          Marathi, Punjabi, Pashto and      of Indians. Thank you very much.
          Urdu. I salute Netaji Subhas      Namaskar.
          Chandra Bose. I urge the youth
          of the country to read as much
          as possible about him and
          constantly derive inspiration
          from his life.                    Scan the QR code to
              Friends, every time, this     listen to 'Mann ki Baat'.
          programme  of  ‘Mann  ki  Baat’

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