Page 27 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 27
Parliamentary Procedure were its adoption on January 26, 1950,
applied by the Buddha to the it provided a sense of stability
meetings of the Sanghas, he and order, offering a legal
must have borrowed them
framework for the governance
from the rules of the Political
of the nation. The Constitution
Assemblies functioning in the
has served as the bedrock for
country in his time”.
India’s democratic institutions,
These observations of
his will help us clear many guiding the evolution of its
misconceptions about where political, social, and legal
and when we derived our systems. Over the decades,
democratic and parliamentary the Constitution has been a
traditions and respect for powerful tool in advancing
plurality which is central to the
the cause of social justice,
democratic ethos.
empowering marginalised
Therefore, the values
groups, and ensuring the
embedded in the Constitution
protection of individual rights.
emerge from the incorporation
of fundamental rights, directive To conclude, the making of the
principles of state policy, Indian Constitution represents
and the system of federal a legacy of vision, commitment
governance were all reflective and consensus-building. Its
of India’s democratic ideals. impact has been transformative,
The idea of a republican form of
shaping the trajectory of
government dates back to four
India’s development as a
or five millennia when India had
sovereign, democratic republic.
several republics and everyone
The Constitution continues
including the head of state was
elected. Further, the Directive to serve as a dynamic and
Principles of State Policy in Part evolving document, adapting
IV of the Constitution which to the changing needs of Indian
nudges the government to society while remaining rooted
adopt policies to help the poor, in the foundational principles of
the working class, the deprived
justice, equality, and freedom.
sections of society, women
The vision of the framers of the
and children can be found in
Constitution remains as relevant
Kautilya’s Artha Shastra dating
today as it was in 1950, providing
back to the I-III century AD.
The impact of the Indian a timeless guide for the future
Constitution has been far- of the nation and ensuring the
reaching and profound. Upon unity and integrity of India.