Page 12 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 12
From Docking Satellites
to Cultivating Life
India’s Cosmic
in future. This shows how far- technology. I extend my best
sightedly our scientists are wishes to India’s scientists,
working. innovators and young
Friends, I want to tell entrepreneurs on behalf of the
you about another inspiring entire nation.
initiative. IIT Madras’ ExTeM
Centre is working on new My dear countrymen many
technologies for manufacturing a time, you must have seen
in Space. This Centre is pictures of amazing bonding
conducting research on between humans and animals;
technologies like 3D-printed you must have heard stories of
buildings, metal foams and animals’ loyalty as well. Whether
optical fibres in Space. This it is a pet or a wild animal,
Centre is also developing their relationship with humans
revolutionary methods like sometimes amazes us. Animals
concrete construction without may not be able to speak, but
water. This research of ExTeM will humans can understand their
strengthen India’s Gaganyaan feelings and their gestures very
mission and the future Space well. Animals also understand
Station. This will also open new the language of love and live by
avenues of modern technology it too. I want to share an example
in manufacturing. from Assam with you. There is a
Friends, all these place in Assam called Nagaon.
achievements are proof of how Nagaon is the birthplace of
visionary India’s scientists and our country’s great luminary
innovators are, in providing Srimanta Shankardev Ji. This
solutions to future challenges. place is very beautiful. It is also
Today, our country is setting the habitat to a large number
new benchmarks in Space of elephants. Many incidents
were being noticed in this area