Page 7 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 7

that the Constituent Assembly
          should be united, have one
          opinion and work together for
                                              Dr. Rajendra Prasad
          the common good. I will make
          you listen to another audio clip
          of the Constituent Assembly. This
          audio is of Dr. Rajendra Prasad
          Ji, who was the President of our
          Constituent Assembly. Let us
          listen to Dr. Rajendra Prasad Ji—

                                             (3rd December, 1884 - 28th February, 1963)
                                              y    India's first President (1950-1962).
              “Our history shows us and       y    Founded Bihari Students
          our culture teaches us that            Conference (1906).
                                              y    Known for simplicity and
          we are and have always  been           dedication to public service.
          peace loving. Our empire and
          our conquests have been of a
          different kind. We have never
          tried to shackle others in chains,   Friends, Rajendra Prasad ji
          be they of iron or gold. We have   had spoken about the country’s
          bound others with us by a silk    commitment towards human
          thread that is stronger than iron   values. I now make you listen to
          chains but more beautiful and     the voice of Dr. Shyama Prasad
          pleasant and that bond is of      Mukherjee.  He  raised  the  issue
          religion, culture and knowledge.   of equality of opportunities.  Dr.
          We will continue to tread the     Shyama Prasad Mukherjee had
          same path and we have only        said—
          one desire and wish; that wish
          is… we can help in establishing
          happiness and peace in the
          world and give the world the         “I hope that we shall go
          infallible  weapons  of  truth    ahead with our work in spite of
          and non-violence which have       all  difficulties  and  thereby  help
          brought us freedom today.         to create that great India which
          There is something in our life    will be the motherland of not this
          and culture that has given us     community or that, not this class
          the strength to survive despite   or that, but of every person, man,
          the blows of time. If we keep our   woman and child inhabiting in
          ideals before us, we will be able   this  great  land  irrespective  of
          to  offer  a  great  service  to  the   race, caste, creed or community.
          world.”                           Everyone   should  have    an

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