Page 11 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 11

and   move    forward   taking    of Pixxel, ISRO and IN-SPACe for
          inspiration from that.            this achievement.
                                               Friends, a few days ago,
              My dear countrymen, in the    our scientists marked another
          beginning  of  2025 itself,  India   major  achievement  in  the
          has attained many historic        Space sector. Our scientists
          achievements  in  the  field  of   have    undertaken    space
          Space. Today, I am proud to       docking of satellites. When two
          convey that an Indian Space-      spacecrafts are connected in
          Tech    Startup,    Bengaluru     Space, this process is called
          based Pixxel has successfully     Space Docking. This technology
          launched  India’s  first  private   is important for sending supplies
          satellite constellation – ‘Firefly’.   to Space Stations and crew
          This satellite constellation is   missions in Space.  India  has
          the  world’s  topmost   high-     become  the  fourth  country  to
          resolution hyperspectral satellite   have achieved this success.
          constellation. This achievement   Friends, our scientists are also
          has not only made India a leader   making efforts to grow plants in
          in modern space technology, but   Space and make them survive.
          is also a big step towards a Self-  For this, ISRO scientists chose
          reliant India i.e. Aatmanirbhar   seeds of cow pea. These seeds,
          Bharat. This success is a symbol   sent on the 30th of December,
          of the growing strength and       germinated in Space itself. This
          innovation of our private Space   is a very inspiring experiment
          Sector.  On behalf of the entire   which will pave the way for
          country, I congratulate the team   growing vegetables in Space

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