Page 15 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 15
country, if someone is doing ago, but even today she is
good work even in remote areas engaged in serving people
and lends utmost importance to with the same compassion
one’s sense of duty, this is the best and affection as she used to
platform to bring one’s efforts to do earlier. The efforts of KG
the fore. Deepak Nabam ji has Mohammad ji of Lakshadweep
set a unique example of the spirit are also amazing. The marine
of service in Arunachal Pradesh. ecosystem of Minicoy Island
Deepak ji runs a Living-Home is getting stronger through his
here, where mentally unwell, hard work. He has written many
physically challenged people songs to make people aware
and the elderly are served; about the environment. He has
drug addicts are taken care of also received the Best Folk Song
here as well. Deepak Nabam Award from the Lakshadweep
ji, without any help, started Sahitya Kala Academy. After
a campaign to support the retirement, KG Mohammad is
deprived people of the society, also working with the museum
violence-affected families and there.
homeless people. Today his Friends, there is another
service has transformed into an piece of very good news from
organization. His organization Andaman and Nicobar Islands
has also been honoured with too. Virgin coconut oil in Nicobar
many awards. The work of K. district has recently received
Hindumbi ji, who works as a the GI Tag. After the GI Tag,
nurse on the Kavaratti island another new initiative has been
of Lakshadweep, is also very undertaken for virgin coconut
inspiring. You will be surprised oil. Self-help groups are being
to know that she retired from formed by organizing the women
government service 18 years associated with the production
GI Tag
Awarded to
Precious Gem