Page 8 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
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thoughts, have to work towards
Dr. Shyama Prasad building such an India that even
the makers of our Constitution
would be proud of.
Friends, a day before
Republic Day, the 25th of
January is National Voters’
Day. This day is important
because on this day the Election
Commission of India was
established. Our constitution
makers have accorded a very
(6th July, 1901- 23rd June, 1953)
important place to our Election
y World's youngest Vice-Chancellor
of Calcutta University at 33. Commission in the Constitution
y Founded Bharatiya Jana Sangh on and equally to people’s
October 21, 1951, in Delhi.
participation in democracy.
y 15th President of the Association of
Indian Universities (1941-42). When the first elections were held
in the country in 1951-52, some
equal opportunity so that he people were doubtful whether
or she can develop himself or the country’s democracy would
herself according to best talent survive. But our democracy
and serve the great common proved all the apprehensions
motherland of India.” wrong – after all, India is the
Friends, I hope you too Mother of Democracy. In the past
would have liked listening to this decades as well, the country’s
original audio from the debates democracy has strengthened
of the Constituent Assembly. and prospered.
We, the citizens of the country, I would also like to thank the
taking inspiration from these Election Commission, which has
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