Page 13 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 13
where herds of elephants used animals and birds. It is a matter
to destroy crops, farmers used to of great joy for all of us that in the
get upset, on account of which last two months, two new Tiger
people of about 100 villages Reserves have been added in
in the vicinity were facing our country. One of these is Guru
hardships. But the villagers Ghasidas-Tamor Pingla Tiger
also understood the elephants’ Reserve in Chhattisgarh and the
helplessness. They knew that other is Ratapani Tiger Reserve
elephants were intruding the in MP.
fields to satiate their hunger, so
the villagers thought of finding My dear countrymen,
a solution to this. A team of Swami Vivekananda ji had
villagers was formed, which was said that only the person who
named ‘Haathi Bandhu’. Haathi is passionate about one’s idea
Bandhu, displaying their wisdom, is able to achieve one’s goal.
made a unique effort on about Our passion and dedication are
800 bighas of barren land. Here of utmost importance to make
the villagers together planted an idea successful. The path
Napier grass. Elephants like this to innovation, creativity and
grass very much. The result was success is certain to come up
that the elephants lessened through complete dedication
straying towards the fields. This and enthusiasm. Just a few days
is a matter of great relief for ago, on the birth anniversary of
thousands of villagers. This effort Swami Vivekananda ji, I got the
of theirs has been liked by the privilege of being a part of the
elephants as well. ‘Viksit Bharat Young Leaders
Friends, our culture and Dialogue’. There I spent my
heritage teaches us to live whole day with young friends
with love with the surrounding who had come from every corner
of the country. The youth shared
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