Page 14 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 14

Aatmanirbhar Bharat
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        their ideas on various sectors like   Logistics are the sectors in which
        startups, culture, women, youth   the most number of Startups
        and infrastructure. This program   are being noticed. These are not
        was very memorable for me.        conventional sectors but our
            Friends, just a few days ago,   young friends also think beyond
        Startup India has completed       the conventional & that is why
        9 years. More than half of the    they are achieving success.
        startups that have been formed        Friends, 10 years ago when
        in our country in these 9 years   someone used to talk about
        are from Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities,   entering  the  field  of  Startups,
        and when we hear that, every      one had to listen to many kinds
        Indian’s  heart  is  delighted    of taunts. Some would ask after
        with the fact that our StartUp    all, what is a Startup? Others
        culture is not limited to just big   would say, that will not lead
        cities. And you will be surprised   you anywhere! But see, how
        to know that more than half of    big a change up has come in
        the startups in smaller cities    a decade now! You too should
        are being led by our daughters.   take full advantage of the new
        When we hear that cities          opportunities being created in
        like  Ambala,  Hisar,  Kangra,    India. If you believe in yourself,
        Chengalpattu,  Bilaspur,  Gwalior   your dreams will also soar to
        and Washim are becoming           new heights.
        centers of StartUps, the heart
        is  filled  with  joy.  In  a  State  like   My dear countrymen, work
        Nagaland, the registration of     done  with  good  intentions  and
        StartUps has increased by more    selfless  spirit  reaches  far  and
        than 200% last year. Waste        wide through word of mouth.
        Management, Non-Renewable         And our ‘Mann ki Baat’ is a huge
        Energy,   Biotechnology   and     platform for that. In our vast

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