Page 10 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
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on the other, in the southern ‘Pushkaram’ and ‘Ganga Sagar
part, Pushkaram is organised Mela’ – these festivals of ours
on the banks of Godavari, are festivals that enhance our
Krishna, Narmada and Kaveri social coalescence, harmony,
rivers. Both these festivals are unity. These festivals connect
connected with our holy rivers the people of India with the
and their beliefs. Similarly, from Indian traditions and just as our
Kumbakonam to Tirukkad-Yur, scriptures have emphasised on
from Kood-Vasal to Tirucherai, Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha
there are many such temples in the world, our festivals and
whose traditions are connected traditions also empower every
with the Kumbh. aspect – spiritual, social, cultural
Friends, this time you must and economic.
have seen that the participation Friends, this month we
of youth in the Kumbh is very celebrated the first anniversary
extensive, and it is also true that of the Pran Pratishtha Parv of
when the young generation Ram Lalla on the day of ‘Paush
connects with its civilization with Shukla Dwadashi’. This year
pride, its roots become stronger, ‘Paush Shukla Dwadashi’ fell
and then its golden future is also on the 11th of January. On this
ensured. This time we are also day, lakhs of Ram devotees
witnessing the digital footprints had a darshan of Ram Lalla
of the Kumbh on such a large in Ayodhya and received his
scale. This global popularity of blessings. This Dwadashi of
the Kumbh is a matter of pride Pran Pratishtha is the Dwadashi
for every Indian. of the re-establishment of the
Friends, just a few days ago, cultural consciousness of India.
the ‘Ganga Sagar Mela’ was also Therefore, this day of Paush
organised on a grand scale in Shukla Dwadashi has also
West Bengal. On the auspicious become the day of Pratishtha
occasion of Sankranti, lakhs of Dwadashi in a way. While walking
devotees from all over the world on the path of development, we
took a dip at this fair. ‘Kumbh’, have to preserve our heritage
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