Page 6 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 6

the Constituent Assembly, their   decision in common and march
        words, are our great heritage.    in a cooperative way on that
        Today  in  ‘Mann  ki  Baat’  it  is  my   road which is bound to lead
        endeavour to make you listen to   us  to  unity.  Our  difficulty  is  not
        the original voices of some great   with regard to the ultimate; our
        leaders.                          difficulty  is  with  regard  to  the
            Friends,    when      the     beginning.”
        Constituent         Assembly          Friends, Baba Saheb had
        embarked upon the task, Baba      been emphasizing on the fact
        Saheb Ambedkar had said
        something very significant with
                                           Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
        regard to mutual cooperation.
        This Address of his is in English. I
        will make you listen to an excerpt
        of it—

            “So far as the ultimate goal
        is concerned, I think none of us
        need have any apprehensions.
        None of us need have any doubt,      (14th April, 1891- 6th December, 1956)
        but my fear which I must express     y    Knew 9 languages, including
                                                French, German, Pali and Persian.
        clearly is this, our difficulty, as I   y    First Minister of Law and Justice in
                                                Independent India.
        said, is not about the ultimate      y    Pursued higher education in the
        future.  Our  difficulty  is  how  to   U.S. and the U.K. despite social
        make the heterogeneous mass
        that we have today, take a

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