Page 46 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 46
initiation of substance use
among children who are living
in vulnerable areas. Along with
this, the Government of India
has also introduced NAVCHETNA
modules which are implemented
by school teachers to increase
awareness of drug prevention
among school students. The
NAVCHETNA module aims at an
outreach of 2.5 crore students
through the training of 10 lakh
The Government of India
has addressed the importance intervention. A national toll-
of treatment for drug users free helpline number, 14446,
through an extensive network has been widely publicized
of drug treatment centres and among adolescents, women,
rehabilitation facilities as the children and the general
number of deaddiction centres public to offer tele-services
increased from 490 (2020-21) by trained counsellors, furnish
to 660 (2023-2024) with 100 accurate information, and dispel
more deaddiction centres to misconceptions regarding drug
be completed by March 2025. treatment and health services.
Alongside in-patient treatment To date, under Nasha Mukt
facilities, outreach drop-in Bharat Abhiyaan, over 3,95,000
centres have also been set up activities have been organized
to facilitate behavioural change across the country to engage
communication by the outreach the masses in discussions about
workers and provide basic substance use. NMBA activities
medical and psychological comprise a comprehensive