Page 50 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 50

while    safeguarding
                                                  both the tangible and
                                                  intangible    benefits
                                                  of tiger reserves. It
                                                  focusses on landscape-
                                                  level  planning, sectoral
                                                  integration,      and
                                                  strategic convergence
                                                  to achieve these goals.
                                                  As part of efforts to
                                                  boost the wild tiger
                                                  population  in  areas
                                                  where   tigers   have
                                                  recently  disappeared,
                                                  a tiger reintroduction
                                                  program   has    been
                                                  started.  Tigers  have
                                                  been  reintroduced  in
                                                  Rajaji  Tiger  Reserve
                                                  (Uttarakhand), Madhav
                                                  National Park (Madhya
                                                  Pradesh),   Mukundra
                                                  Hills  Tiger  Reserve,
                                                  and the western part
                                                  of  Ramgarh Vishdhari
                                                     This    year,    in
                                                  February,  the  Cabinet
                                                  also  approved    the
                                                  establishment  of  the
                                                  International Big Cat
                                                  Alliance (IBCA). IBCA is
                                                  a major global alliance
                                                  that  India  launched

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