Page 51 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 51

          in April 2023 to mark the 50      participation is proving very
          anniversary of Project Tiger      useful in tiger conservation. It is
          for the conservation of seven     on account of such efforts that
          principal big cats. Seven big cats   the tiger population in India is
          include Tiger, Lion, Leopard, Snow   increasing every year. You will
          Leopard, Puma, Jaguar, and the    feel happy and proud to know
          Cheetah.  Out  of  these  five  big   that 70% of the tigers in the world
          cats, viz., Tiger, Lion, Leopard,   are in our country. Imagine!
          Snow Leopard, and Cheetah are     70% tigers!! That is why there
          found in  India.                  are many Tiger Sanctuaries in
              In  various   regions   of    different parts of our country.”
          India, local communities are         India   now    boasts   of
          at the forefront of innovative    54 tiger reserves, with the
          conservation  initiatives.  One   recent declaration of the Rani
          exemplary campaign is the         Durgavati Tiger Reserve as the
          'Kulhadi  Band  Panchayat' in     7   Tiger  Reserve  of  Madhya
          Ranthambore, Rajasthan. Local     Pradesh. This expansion reflects
          communities have pledged not      a  significant  commitment  to
          to cut down trees or enter the    wildlife conservation, as these
          forest with axes. This simple but   reserves collectively span over
          powerful decision is helping the   78,000 square kilometres and
          forests recover and creating a    encompass more than 2.30% of
          better habitat for tigers. Similarly,   the country’s geographical area.
          in   Maharashtra's   Tadoba-         India's approach to tiger
          Andhari Tiger Reserve, the Gond   conservation   highlights   a
          and Mana tribes have embraced     powerful blend of traditional
          eco-tourism,      significantly   knowledge,         community
          reducing their reliance on forest   involvement,  and   modern
          resources.                        techniques.  As  the  country
              Prime  Minister  Narendra     continues to lead by example,
          Modi,  too,  appreciated  the     it is crucial for each one of us to
          community-driven conservation     sustain and expand these efforts
          efforts in his 112th ‘Mann ki Baat’   to ensure a thriving future for
          address. “I am happy that public   tigers.

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