Page 41 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 41

and economic status of women      Sashaktikaran have increased
          in rural areas.                   the skills of the artisans and
              To make the ‘New Khadi of     provided them with income-
          New India’ a global brand, KVIC   generating  opportunities.  For
          has paid particular attention to   this, they have been given
          quality and modernization. For    advanced modern machines
          this, the Center of Excellence    and toolkits along with training.
          for Khadi (CoEK) has been            In KVIC's vision for the future,
          established  in  collaboration    preparation is on to launch
          with  the  National  Institute  of   several ambitious schemes to
          Fashion Technology (NIFT). With   promote further the Khadi and
          its help, new designs, the use of   Village Industries sector, which
          natural dyes and the revival of   include-
          traditional sarees and fabrics    1.   Gramin Silai Samridhi Yojana
          like Awadh Jamdani, Ponduru       2.   Kushal Karigar Vikas Yojana
          Saree, Pashmina, Odisha Ikkat,    3.   Khadi Shakti
          Paithani, etc., are being done to   4.   Lotus Silk
          make Khadi more fashionable.      5.  Mati     Kala     Kumhar
          Apart from this, Memorandums         Sashaktikaran Yojana
          of Understanding (MoUs) have         Under the leadership of
          also been signed with Digital     Prime Minister Narendra Modi,
          India Corporation, NBCC India,    Khadi is all set for a global
          Prasar Bharati and the Quality    revolution. The mantra of 'Khadi
          Council of India (QCI). New       for  Nation,  Khadi  for  Fashion
          experiments are also being done   and Khadi for Transformation'
          on the packaging, branding,       is the essence of this vision.
          quality and marketing of Khadi.   Khadi's journey from the days
              Under the Village Industries   of the Swadeshi movement to
          Development    Scheme,    the     becoming a symbol of self-
          Commission's   programs   like    reliant India is a testimony to its
          Honey Mission and  Kumhar         lasting importance.

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