Page 48 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 48

Strengthening the Roar

                     India Leads the Way in Tiger Conservation

                                             Every  year  on  July  29,  the
            In India,  tigers have  been
           an integral part  of our       world joins hands to celebrate
        culture. We all have grown up
        listening to stories of incidents   International  Tiger  Day—a
        related to tigers. In the villages   powerful reminder of our shared
        around forests, everyone knows
        how to live in harmony with the   responsibility  to  safeguard one
        tiger. In our country, there are
                                          of nature’s most iconic creatures
        many villages where there is no
        conflict  between  humans  and    on earth. First celebrated in 2010
                                          at the St. Petersburg Tiger Summit
         -Prime Minister Narendra Modi    in Russia, International Tiger Day
             (in 'Mann ki Baat' address)
                                          aims to highlight the alarming
                                          decline of wild tiger populations
                                          and encourage global efforts
                                          for their conservation. At the
                                          summit, 13 countries collectively
                                          committed   to   implementing
                                          diverse conservation measures
                                          aimed at safeguarding tiger
                                          habitats and increasing their
                                          population worldwide.
                                             The theme for International
                                          Tiger Day 2024 underscores
                                          a  pressing  ‘Call  to Action’ to
                                          protect tigers and their habitats
                                          through coordinated efforts.
                                             The      significance   of
                                          International Tiger Day extends
                                          beyond    mere     celebration.
                                          It  serves  as a  critical  point

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