Page 42 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 42

MANAS Helpline

                                     A Decisive War Against Drugs

                                             Drug addiction is a big
            My    dear   countrymen,
           in 'Mann ki Baat' I have       problem in some pockets of
        often discussed with you the
                                          India, which not only affects
        challenge of the drug menace.
        Every  family  is  worried  that   individual lives but also has a
        their child might get caught in
                                          profound impact on society and
        the grip of drugs. Now to help
        such people, the government       the economy. To address the
        has  opened  a  special centre,
                                          issues related to drug addiction,
        named – 'Manas'. This is a very
        big  step  in  the  fight  against   the Government of India has
        drug abuse. A few days ago, the
                                          launched the MANAS (Madak
        Helpline and Portal of 'Manas'
        was launched.                     Padarth    Nishedh   Asuchna
                                          Kendra) helpline, which is a
         -Prime Minister Narendra Modi
             (in 'Mann ki Baat' address)  unique initiative to help those
                                          who are struggling with drug
                                             Union      Home        and
                                          Cooperation Minister, Shri Amit
                                          Shah  launched the  National
                                          Narcotics  Helpline  'MANAS' in
         “Under the Nasha Mukt Bharat
                                          New Delhi on July 18, 2024. On this
         Abhiyan, more than 3 lakh 95
                                          occasion, Shri Amit Shah said
         thousand activities have been
         organized across the country     that in the last five years, the Modi
         so far to make people aware      Government  has  attempted to
         of the dangers of drug abuse.    fight  this  battle  with  the  'Whole
         Extensive  discussions  have     of Government' approach and
         also  been  held  with  them     based  on  the three  pillars  –
         under this effort.”              Structural,  Institutional  and
                          -B L Verma      Informational Reforms. Under
             Minister of State for Social   this campaign a toll-free number
            Justice and Empowerment       (1933)  and  a web  portal  were

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