Page 37 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 37

meet   contemporary    fashion    economic fabric. It honours
          trends.                           the artistry and dedication of
              The   Novatex    Electrical   weavers, recognizing their role in
          Cylinder  simplifies  the  process   sustaining  a  significant  aspect
          of weaving designs on saris and   of India's heritage.
          dhotis, eliminating dependency       The day also acts as a
          on  thousands  of  punch cards,   catalyst for promoting handloom
          which  need  reconfiguration  for   products,       encouraging
          every new design. Brahmaputra     consumers to choose indigenous
          Fables connects artisans directly   textiles  that  reflect  the  rich
          with consumers through online     cultural tapestry of the nation.
          platforms, promoting indigenous      In his address, Prime Minister
          crafts. These start-ups exemplify   Modi urged the nation to
          how technology can revitalise     support handloom weavers by
          traditional  industries,  making   purchasing handloom products
          handloom     products   more      and spreading awareness about
          accessible and appealing to       their importance. He emphasised
          modern consumers.                 that by doing so, we not only
              National  Handloom    Day     empower the weavers but also
          serves as an important reminder   contribute to the preservation of
          of the enduring legacy of         a vital part of India’s cultural and
          handlooms and their integral      economic identity.
          role in India's cultural and

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