Page 36 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 36
National Handloom Day 2024
Celebrating Heritage and Honouring the Labour of Weavers
Prime Minister Modi, in his communities and promote
last address on 'Mann ki Baat', traditional handloom products.
highlighted the significance Across the country, on this
of National Handloom Day, day, people celebrate the craft
emphasizing the connection of weavers and exhibitions
between handloom weaving foster pride in the work that
and the cultural and economic they do while acknowledging
fabric of India. More than 70% their contribution towards the
of the weavers and allied economic and social upliftment
workers are women, and thus, of the country and promoting
handloom weaving is one handloom heritage.
of the ways in which women This day also highlights the
can be empowered across modernity and flexibility inherent
the country. The production in handloom production.
process is sustainable and uses Traditional handloom products
environment-friendly approach. seamlessly adapt to fashion
Every year on August 7, changes and customer
the nation comes together to preferences, blending the old
celebrate the National Handloom with the new. This adaptability
Day, a day dedicated to showing not only keeps the craft relevant
gratitude and recognizing the but also opens up new markets
invaluable contributions of for these exquisite products.
weavers who have been integral Start-ups like Kosha AI,
to our diverse society and Handloom India, D-Junk, Novatax
growth. Initiated in 2015, the day and Brahmaputra Fables are
commemorates the Swadeshi at the forefront of making
Movement of 1905, which was handloom products popular.
launched to support Indian- These enterprises leverage
made products, particularly technology to innovate and
handloom textiles. streamline the handloom sector.
National Handloom Day 2024 Kosha AI leverages the power of
falls during the festive period IoT, AI, immutable ledgers and
and offers a prime opportunity cloud computing technology to
to uplift marginalised weaving ensure that handloom products