Page 40 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 40



                                              The Prime Minister is the
                                          champion of the 'New Khadi of
                                          New India' campaign and the
                                          brand ambassador of Khadi.
                                          On 28  July in the 112th edition
                                          of 'Mann ki Baat’, he again
                                          appealed to the countrymen to
                                          buy Khadi.
                                              To make the resolution of
                                          developed   India  successful,
                                          KVIC has set up a wide range
                 Manoj Kumar              of  cottage  industries  in  every
                                          village. As a result of collective
          Chairman, Khadi and Village
                                          efforts,  for  the  first  time  in  the
            Industries Commission,        history of independent India,
                                          the sale of Khadi and Village
              Government of India
                                          Industries products has crossed
                                          the figure of " 1 lakh 55 thousand
                                          crore in the financial year 2023-
                                          24.  For  the  first  time,  10.17  lakh
                                          new jobs have been created in
            The month of August is written   this sector.
        in golden letters in the annals of    PM Modi's emphasis on
        Indian history as the 'month of   'Vocal for Local' has played an
        revolution.' In a true sense, the   essential  role  in  Khadi’s revival.
        month of August is an occasion    His 'brand power' has given rise to
        to remember the revolutionaries   a 'Khadi revolution' in the country
        of  the  Indian freedom  struggle,   in the last 10 years, the results of
        whose  supreme  sacrifice  gave   which  have  been very  positive.
        us   'self-rule.'  Among  these   In  the  financial  year  2023-24,
        revolutionaries there are lakhs   KVIC's business registered a
        of unsung heroes who, under       growth of 400% in sales and 315%
        the leadership of revered Bapu,   in production compared to the
        forced the British rule to bow    last decade. The remuneration
        down, by weaving the Khadi        of Khadi artisans has also
        fabric on the spinning wheel and   increased by 233 per cent in
        loom. Today, even after seven     the last 10 years. Since women
        decades    of   independence,     constitute about 80 per cent of
        Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy -         Khadi artisans, they have been
        Khadi, is infusing new strength   specially benefited. This focus on
        to the Viksit Bharat campaign in   women's empowerment is in line
        every village through the "Khadi   with Prime Minister Modi's vision
        Revolution" under the leadership   of inclusive development. It has
        of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.  significantly improved the social
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