Page 29 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 29

tell you about Maidam for the        So far 90 Maidams have been
          benefit of all.                   reported in the Charaideo Valley,
              Maidam  is  a  structure  built   and the search is still ongoing. At
          above the ground, which has       present the Ahom people make
          a room and a passage inside       a small Maidam and worship
          it. There is a dome above this    traditionally.  This  edifice  was  in
          room. Dead people were buried     use from 1200 to 1900 century.
          in this Maidam, and the things    Presently people do not make
          used by them and their favourite   such burial mounds, but on the
          objects were kept with them.      basis of all the Maidams and the
          This was done because people      remains found in them so far,
          believed that wherever the dead   I  can  definitely  say  that  these
          were going, they would need       are an excellent source to learn
          these things there. After placing   about history. In these, we see
          all the items in the room, rituals   coins, weapons and many other
          were performed and then the       things that give us a glimpse
          room was closed. In the second    about that period. Therefore,
          phase, the room used to be        it is an immense storehouse
          covered by mud, thus giving it a   of  historical  knowledge  for  the
          beautiful shape that is similar to   history of Assam and India, as
          our stupas.                       well as the Ahom dynasty.

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