Page 30 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 30


                          CULTURAL HERITAGE

                                          of worship for various Tai-Ahom
                                          gods and deities. On his death,
                                          his body was entombed in a
                                          Maidam—a     unique   earthen
                                          mound    burial—at  Charaideo.
                                          Since then, most of the 39 Ahom
                                          kings, their queens and other
                                          members of the royalty were
                                          given Maidam at Charaideo,
                                          making it the most sacred
                                          place of the Ahoms. While some
          Dr. Samudra Gupta Kashyap       Maidams of a few kings and other
                                          nobles exist in other places too, it
        Chancellor, Nagaland University
                                          is the cluster of royal Maidams at
                                          Charaideo, which was recently
                                          recognized as a World Heritage
            The Ahoms, an important       Site by UNESCO.
        constituent of the Assamese           The Ahoms ruled for 600
        community,  are  an  offshoot of   years until the Burmese occupied
        the great Tai race, which is widely   the country in 1817, followed by
        spread across South-East Asia.    the British in 1826.
        Their counterparts include the        The   Ahoms    played   a
        Thai people of Thailand, Lao of   very distinct role in shaping
        Laos, Shan in Myanmar, Tay-Thai   the     Assamese      identity,
        in Vietnam and Dai in China.      language, and culture. They
            It was in 1228 CE that Siu-   adopted the local language,
        ka-pha, a Tai prince, arrived in   intermixed with and married
        the Brahmaputra Valley from       into the local communities,
        Mong-Mao in  Yunnan,  now  part   and brought several kingdoms
        of southern China, and founded    and communities under one
        a kingdom, with his lineage       umbrella. They also introduced
        coming to be known as the Ahom    wet-rice cultivation in Assam with
        dynasty. The word ‘Ahom’ is said   the use of a single bull/buffalo.
        to have been derived from Rham,   Ahom words, expressions, ideas,
        as the Tai people were called     customs and festivals thus found
        in Upper Burma, while natives     easy access to Assamese life.
        began to refer to them as ‘Asam’,     The Ahom kings promoted art
        from which the country too came   and culture, patronised religious
        to be known as ‘Asam’ (Assam in   and   educational  institutions,
        English).                         and introduced a system where
            Siu-ka-pha   named     his    every family could remain self-
        capital city Charaideo, meaning   sufficient   by   producing   the
        Dazzling  City  on  the  Hills,  where   basic  requirements  including
        he also built a number of places   foodgrain and cloth. They were
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