Page 25 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 25

Outdoor  games    in  the     These helped build a healthy
          evenings and post-dinner indoor   working  relationship  among
          board games every day helped      the  jury  members.  The  final
          relieve stress and keep their     coordination  process  where
          minds fresh. Classes covering     one has to grade problems was
          techniques    and    problem-     intense and well coordinated.
          solving sessions kept the team       Three Fields' medallists were
          focussed. With good access        present at the IMO (Prof. Timothy
          to the internet, past Olympiad    Gowers,  Prof.  Terence  Tao  and
          papers of other countries and     Prof. Maryna Viazovska), and
          past IMO papers are readily       students could visit a fourth
          available. Solving these gave the   Fields’ medallist (Prof. James
          team some idea of the general     Maynard)   at   Oxford.  Their
          toughness of IMO papers.          presence has been invaluable in
              As a first-time team leader,   firming one’s resolve to focus on
          my experience of the jury process   excellence, especially the young
          of picking the paper with all other   team members, as they are at
          country team leaders was very     an impressionable age.
          memorable. Several top notch         Given  this mathematically
          mathematicians were on the        star-studded event and our
          ‘Problem Selection Committee’     encouraging result, we sincerely
          and it was interesting to interact   hope that young students set
          with them and, in the process,    themselves towards achieving
          make    new   friends.  Several   ‘excellence’ in their interested
          countries  gave  papers  of  their   parts of Mathematics and work
          National Olympiads either as      towards fulfilling them.
          question papers or in a pendrive.

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