Page 24 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 24

Maths Olympiad
                         India’s Best-Ever Performance

                                          and was countrywise placed
                                          4  among 108 countries. India
                                          was behind the USA, China and
                                          South Korea. This is India's best
                                          performance till date.
                                              The IMOTC (IMO Training
                                          Camp) was held this year from
                                          May 7  to 31 , 2024 at the Chennai
                                          Mathematical Institute, Chennai,
                                          from which the six contestants
          Krishnan Sivasubramanian        were chosen. These six students
                                          constituted  the  Indian  IMO
            Professor, Department of
                                          team. The IMO team had a pre-
         Mathematics, Indian Institute of   departure camp (PDC) at HBCSE
             Technology, Mumbai           from  July  1   to 14 .  Both these
                                          camps were coordinated by
                                          Prof. Prithwijit De (from HBCSE),
            The    65 th  International   the National Coordinator of
        Mathematical         Olympiad     the  Mathematical   Olympiad
        was held at Bath, UK, from        Programme in India.
        July 11th, 2024 to  July 22 ,         Our    students    worked
        2024. The Indian contingent       exceptionally  hard  on   the
        had six contestants (Adhitya      material taught at the IMOTC.
        Mangudy     Venkata   Ganesh,     Though this is an individual
        Ananda Bhaduri, Arjun Gupta,      event (students cannot discuss
        Kanav Talwar, Rushil Mathur       among themselves in the exam),
        and    Siddharth   Choppara)      during discussions in the IMOTC
        and was accompanied by the        and the PDC, the team got to
        team leader, Prof. Krishnan       know each other and were quick
        Sivasubramanian  (Maths  Dept,    to work on each other's ideas
        IIT Bombay), deputy team leader   towards solving problems. These
        Dr. Rijul Saini (HBCSE), Observer   contributed to the team ‘gelling’
        ‘A’ Mr. Rohan Goyal (CMI, who     as one unit. The presence of Dr.
        will  pursue  his  PhD  in  MIT)  and   Rijul Saini, Dr. Mainak Ghosh, Mr.
        Observer ‘B’ Dr. Mainak Ghosh     Rohan Goyal and other past
        (ISI, Bengaluru).                 contestants as resource people
            The  Indian  team  won  4     also  contributed  to  the  team
        golds (Adhitya, Ananda, Kanav     having role models take classes
        and Rushil), 1 silver (Arjun) and 1   for  them,  which  boosted  their
        honourable mention (Siddharth)    overall confidence.
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