Page 32 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 32

Inclusivity in Voting

                    How India Ensures Representation for All

            I would like to thank the
           Election      Commission,          Inclusivity in Voting: How
        which has modernised and          India Ensures Representation
        strengthened    our    voting     for All
        process from time to time.            On   January   25th,  the
        The Commission has used the
        power of technology to give       eve of Republic Day, India
        more power to the power of        celebrates  National   Voters’
        the people. I congratulate the    Day,   commemorating      the
        Election Commission for its
        commitment to fair elections.     establishment of the Election
        I would like to urge the          Commission    of   India.  As
        countrymen to use their right
                                          highlighted  in   the   Prime
        to vote, always, in maximum
        numbers and also become a         Minister’s  ‘Mann  ki  Baat‘,  this
        part of the country's democratic   day underscores the pivotal
        process and strengthen this       role of the Election Commission
                                          in upholding democracy. Since
         -Prime Minister Narendra Modi    the  first  elections  in  1951-52,
             (in 'Mann ki Baat' address)
                                          India's democracy has evolved
                                          into an inspiring example of
                                          people-driven governance, for
                                          the world. As the Prime Minister
                                          aptly noted, democracy thrives
                                          when every individual exercises
                                          their right to vote.
                                              India, as the Mother of
                                          Democracy,     places   great
                                          emphasis on inclusivity in its
                                          electoral process.
                                              Recognising          that
                                          true   democracy      requires
                                          representation  for  all,  the
                                          country   has    implemented
                                          policies and initiatives ensuring
                                          that marginalised, differently-
                                          abled, and remote communities

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