Page 17 - Man Ki Baat Nov 2024 (English)
P. 17

tourists. The river there, which   letters  and     suggestions
          was once pristine, had become     throughout the month. Your
          polluted because of the plastic   messages every month inspire
          waste. Itisha is working with the   me to do even better. We will
          local people to clean it. People   meet again next month in
          of her group spread awareness     another episode of 'Mann ki
          among the tourists there and put   Baat' with new achievements
          up bamboo dustbins all over the   of the country and countrymen.
          valley to collect plastic waste.  Until then, my best wishes to all
              Friends,   such    efforts    the countrymen. Thank you very
          lend momentum to India’s          much.
          Swachhata Abhiyan. This is a
          perpetual campaign. This must
          certainly be happening around
          you as well. Do keep writing to
          me about such efforts.
              Friends, that is all for this   Scan the QR code to
          episode of 'Mann ki Baat'. I      listen to 'Mann ki Baat'.
          eagerly await your feedback,

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