Page 16 - Man Ki Baat Nov 2024 (English)
P. 16
transforming items considered garbage spread on the banks of
useless, that is waste, to wealth. the Ganga. This group has been
They are innovating in different named the ‘Kanpur Ploggers
ways. They are earning money Group’.
from that, generating avenues This campaign was started
of employment. These youth are by a few friends collectively.
also promoting a sustainable Gradually, it became a
lifestyle through their efforts. big campaign of public
The effort of two daughters of participation. Many people of the
Mumbai is really very inspiring. city have joined this campaign.
These two daughters, named Its members have now started
Akshara and Prakriti, are collecting garbage from shops
creating fashion items through and houses as well. Tree guards
fabric scraps. You also know that are made from this garbage
the scraps that come out during in the Recycle Plant, i.e., people
the cutting and stitching of of this group also protect the
clothes are considered useless plants with tree guards made
and thrown away. Akshara and from garbage.
Prakriti’s team transforms the Friends, Itisha from Assam
same fabric scraps into fashion too is an example of how tiny
products. Caps and bags made efforts can lead to big success.
from cuttings are literally flying Itisha has studied in Delhi and
off the shelves. Pune. Itisha left the glitz and
Friends, a good initiative is on glamour of the corporate world
in Kanpur, UP, as well, pertaining and is engaged in cleaning the
to cleanliness. Here some people Sangti Valley of Arunachal. A
go for daily morning walks, lot of plastic waste had started
picking up plastic and other accumulating there because of