Page 22 - Man Ki Baat Nov 2024 (English)
P. 22

experiences, and engage in        for  the  armed  forces.  Many
        collective action, which leads    former cadets go on to serve
        to a deeper understanding of      in the Indian Army, Navy, and
        India's pluralistic society.      Air  Force, bringing  with them
            Bridging     the      Gap     the values and skills learned
        Between Youth and National        during their time in the NCC.
        Security:  Another  significant   These individuals often serve
        contribution of the NCC is its    as ambassadors for national
        role in preparing young people    unity, spreading the ideals of
        for national defense. As a        discipline and patriotism to
        paramilitary organisation, the    their peers and communities.
        NCC provides military training        Empowering          Social
        that is not intended to make      Responsibility:  Beyond   the
        cadets soldiers but to cultivate   defense sector, the NCC plays
        a spirit of service, discipline,   an active role in shaping the
        and patriotism. Through basic     youth’s   understanding    of
        military training, cadets learn   social  responsibility.  Cadets
        essential skills such as first aid,   are  frequently  involved  in
        weapon handling, and survival     community service activities
        techniques. While only a few      such as disaster relief, blood
        cadets may eventually join        donation drives, environmental
        the armed forces, the overall     conservation   projects,  and
        exposure to  defense-related      awareness    campaigns     on
        activities helps develop a sense   health and hygiene. These
        of responsibility toward the      activities  not  only  provide
        nation’s security.                cadets with practical experience
            The NCC also contributes to   in addressing social issues but
        India's defense preparedness      also instill a sense of empathy
        by serving as a talent pool       and duty toward fellow citisens.

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