Page 15 - Man Ki Baat Nov 2024 (English)
P. 15

a campaign called ‘Early Bird’    something  similar  in  films  too.
          for children. This organisation   So many jokes are made on
          runs a special kind of library to   these piles of files in government
          tell children about birds. Not only   offices;  so  many  stories  have
          this, it has prepared a ‘Nature   been written. These files used to
          Education Kit’ to create a sense   gather dust after lying in offices
          of responsibility towards nature   for years and years and would
          in children. This kit contains    start accumulating dirt.
          storybooks,  games,    activity      A    special    Swachhata
          sheets  and jigsaw  puzzles  for   Abhiyan  was   launched   to
          children.  This   organisation    remove  such  decades-old  files
          takes children from cities to     and scrap. You will be happy
          villages and introduces them to   to know that this campaign
          birds. On account of the efforts   has brought amazing results
          of this organisation, children    in government departments.
          have started recognising many     Cleanliness has freed up a lot
          species of birds. The listeners of   of space in offices. This has also
          ‘Mann ki Baat’ can also develop   brought in a sense of ownership
          a   different  perspective  in    among the people working
          children to see and understand    in  the  offices.  They  have  also
          their surroundings through such   become serious about keeping
          efforts.                          their workplace clean.
                                               Friends, you must have often
              My  dear  countrymen, you     heard elders say that where there
          must  have  noticed  that  as     is cleanliness, Goddess Lakshmi
          soon as someone mentions a        resides  there.  The  concept  of
          ‘government  office’,  a  picture   ’waste to wealth’ is very old
          of  a  pile  of  files  emerges  in   in our country. In many parts
          your mind. You must have seen     of the country, the ‘youth’ are

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