Page 12 - Man Ki Baat Nov 2024 (English)
P. 12
there are very few people left in the first time, our Upanishads
the country who have witnessed have been translated into the
the horrors of Partition. In such a Slovak language. These efforts
situation, this effort has become also underscore the global
even more significant. influence of Indian culture. It
Friends, the country, the is a matter of pride for all of us
place that preserves its history, that there are crores of people
its future is also secure. With across the world who cherish
this very thought in mind, an India in their hearts.
effort has been made in which
a directory has been created to My dear countrymen, I now
preserve the history of villages. want to share with you one such
A campaign is also going on achievement of the country that
in the country to preserve will make you happy and proud,
evidence related to India’s and if you have not done it, you
ancient maritime capability. will probably regret it. A few
Under this series, a very big months ago, we started the ‘Ek
museum is also being built in Ped Maa Ke Naam’ campaign.
Lothal. Apart from that, if you People from all over the country
are aware of any manuscript, participated in this campaign
any historical document, or with great enthusiasm. I am
any handwritten copy, you can very happy to tell you that this
preserve it with the help of the campaign has crossed the
National Archives of India. important milestone of planting
Friends, I have come to 100 crore trees. A 100 crore trees,
know about another such effort that too, in just five months.
being undertaken in Slovakia This has been possible
that is related to conserving and only due to the tireless efforts
promoting our culture. Here, for of our countrymen. You will be