Page 13 - Man Ki Baat Nov 2024 (English)
P. 13

proud to know one more fact       in some places, and in other
          related  to  this.  The  ‘Ek  Ped  Maa   places,  they  are  planting  trees
          Ke Naam’ campaign is now          to facilitate nesting for birds. In
          spreading to other countries of   Bihar, the women of the ‘Jeevika
          the world as well.  When I was    Self Help Group’ are running a
          in Guyana, I witnessed this       campaign to plant 75 lakh trees.
          campaign there as well. There,    The focus of these women is on
          Guyana’s President Dr. Irfaan     fruit trees, so that income could
          Ali, his mother-in-law, and       also be generated in the future.
          other family members joined          Friends, by joining this
          me in the ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’    campaign, any person can
          campaign.                         plant a tree in the name of one’s
              Friends,  this campaign is    mother. If the mother is with you,
          going on continuously in different   you  can  plant  the  tree  along
          parts of the country.  A record   with  her;  otherwise,  you  can
          of tree planting was made in      become a part of this campaign
          Indore, Madhya Pradesh, under     by carrying her photograph with
          the campaign ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke       you.  You  can  also  post  a  selfie
          Naam’—more than 12 lakh trees     with the tree on
          were planted here in 24 hours.    We can never repay the debt of
          On account of this campaign,      what our mother does for all of
          the barren area of Revati Hills of   us, but by planting a tree in her
          Indore will now turn into a green   name, we can keep her presence
          zone.  A  unique  record  was     alive forever.
          made through this campaign
          in Jaisalmer,  Rajasthan—here
          a team of women planted 25
          thousand  trees in  one  hour.
          Mothers planted trees in the
          name of their mothers and
          inspired others too. Here, more
          than   five   thousand   people
          planted trees at one location.
          This too is a record in itself.
              Under the campaign ‘Ek
          Ped Maa Ke Naam’, many social
          organisations   are   planting
          trees according to local needs.
          Their effort is that wherever
          trees are planted, a complete
          ecosystem should develop in an
          environmentally friendly manner.
          Therefore,  these organisations
          are planting medicinal plants

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