Page 7 - Man Ki Baat Nov 2024 (English)
P. 7
विकवित भारत
Young Leaders Dialogue
it. Two thousand such youth will be prepared for this. So you
selected from villages, blocks, too get ready; this is a great
districts and states will gather opportunity for those who are
at Bharat Mandapam for the going to build the future of India,
‘Viksit Bharat Young Leaders who are the future generation of
Dialogue’. You might remember the country. Come, let us build
that from the ramparts of the the country together and make
Red Fort, I have urged such youth the country developed.
to join politics, none of whose
family members or even the My dear countrymen, in
entire family have had a political 'Mann ki Baat', we often talk
background. about such youth. There are
To connect 1 lakh such many youth who are working
youth, new youth, to politics, selflessly for the society and are
many special campaigns will engaged in finding solutions to
be run in the country. ‘Viksit numerous minor problems of the
Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue’ people. If we look around us, we
is also one such effort. Experts see so many people who need
from the country and abroad some kind of help or information.
will grace this. Many national I am happy to know that some
and international personalities youth have formed groups and
will also be there. I will also be addressed such issues as well.
present in it for as much time For example, Virendra, who lives
as possible. The youth will get in Lucknow, helps the elderly
an opportunity to present their in the matter of the Digital Life
ideas directly before us. How Certificate. As you know, as per
can the country take these rules, all pensioners have to
ideas forward? How can a solid submit a Life Certificate once a
roadmap be made? A blueprint year. Till 2014, the process was
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