P. 20
Organ Donation
A Life-Saving Act of Kindness
Organ donation is a life-
In this era of modern
medical science, organ saving act of kindness that has
donation has become a very the potential to transform the
important means of imparting lives of many people. Organ
life to someone. It is said that transplantation is a medical
when a person donates one’s miracle that has the ability to
body after death, it creates a give someone a second chance
possibility for 8-9 people to get at life. It is an act of selflessness
a new life. that can save the lives of those
-Prime Minister Narendra Modi in need, and can bring hope
(in his 'Mann ki Baat' address) to families who have been
devastated by illness or injury.
The shortage of organs is
virtually a universal problem
Asia lags much behind the rest
of the world. In India, the number
of organ transplant cases has
increased tremendously over
the past decade. In 2013, there
were less than five thousand
cases of organ donation in the
nation. But in 2022, the number
has increased to more than
fifteen thousand.
The Government of India,
“I want to thank Prime Minister
under the visionary leadership of
Narendra Modi that he talked Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra
about organ donation in Modi, has taken various
his latest 'Mann ki Baat' and initiatives to promote organ
urged citizens across the donation and transplantation
across the country. The National
country to come forward and
Organ Transplant Programme
donate their organs.”
aims to improve access to life
-R. Madhavan
transforming transplantation
for needy citizens of the nation
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