P. 25

baseless. Recently, a meeting        It is extremely disappointing
          was conducted in Bengaluru,       to see so many young people
          which was attended by religious   with damaged hearts. It is not
          and spiritual gurus of all the    just them who suffer, but also
          religions. It is worth noting that   their  families.  In my  25  years  of
          all these gurus, unanimously,     experience,  from  the  first  heart
          endorsed organ donation. They     transplant surgery to today,
          emphasised on the fact that       I have seen people get back
          no religion prohibits donating    to enjoying their lives after
          organs.                           receiving an organ. However,
              Recent   policy  changes      due to a shortage of organs,
          have  been helpful  in increasing   not everyone gets  this second
          organ donation. In the past, it   chance.  On  one  hand,  people
          was relatively easy for foreigners   are waiting for organs, and on
          to receive organ transplants in   the other, we see thousands of
          India.  However, now  the organs   bodies  being burned  or buried,
          must be used for Indian citizens   whose organs could have saved
          first.  This  is  a  very  positive  step   many  lives.  The  only  way  to  fill
          taken by the Government.          this gap is to spread awareness
              The    Government     has     through constant discussions on
          also  created  an   organised     the ground, in digital media, and
          structure where a person can      mass media. The involvement
          list  themselves as  an  organ    of religious leaders  is equally
          recipient.  Organs  are  allocated   important.
          by a Government body, in a very      It is up to us to take
          transparent process, purely on    responsibility  for  spreading
          the basis of the seniority of the   awareness  and   motivating
          list. Everyone knows who is next   people to come forward. Today,
          in line; nobody can take undue    many  young  influencers  are
          advantage of it.                  using their reach to talk about
              The Prime Minister of India,   organ  donation.  This   has
          who has mastered the art of       increased awareness.
          reaching out to the masses, has      Organ    donation   is   the
          often used his 'Mann ki Baat'     ultimate gift that one can give
          program to touch the lives of     before  leaving this  world. We
          millions of people by talking     must continue to work together
          about complex issues in layman’s   to  spread  awareness   and
          language. Recently, he shared     encourage more people to
          the story of a young daughter     donate organs. The ball is in our
          from Amritsar, where her parents   court now, it is up to us to bridge
          donated her organs on her         the gap between the need and
          death. He made a very emotional   the number of donations we
          appeal   for  organ  donation,    receive. Let us work together to
          which is going to make a huge     save lives and give people a
          difference in the landscape.      second chance at life.

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