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the destination hospital. organs. These steps are aimed
Another remarkable initiative at providing better and more
taken by the Government is equitable access to organs
the adoption of ‘One Nation, and also to promote cadaver
One Policy’ for organ donation donation, which currently form
and transplantation. Earlier, a minuscule fraction of all organ
a prospective recipient was transplants carried out in India.
eligible to register himself only in In order to increase
his state of domicile, however, the awareness and break myths
new changes allow all Indians to around organ donation,
register themselves on a single the Government conducts
waiting list, irrespective of their various awareness generation
domicile. The new guidelines programmes on-ground as well
have also removed the upper as on multimedia platforms
age limit of 65 years for any with the help of NOTTO, All India
person to be eligible to register Radio, Doordarshan, and other
for receiving deceased donor channels. Recently, the Prime
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