P. 15
first time someone has thought people on Veer Lachit Borphukan
about the Saurashtra-Tamil have been written in about 23
relations and brought to the different languages. Among
fore the people who settled in them, apart from the Assamese
Tamil Nadu from Saurashtra.” language, people have sent
Jayachandran's words are the essays in languages like Hindi,
expression of thousands of English, Bangla, Bodo, Nepali,
Tamil brothers and sisters. Sanskrit, and Santhali. I express
Friends, I would like to inform my heartfelt appreciation to
the listeners of 'Mann ki Baat' everyone who has been a part
about a piece of news related of this effort.
to Assam. This too strengthens
the spirit of 'Ek Bharat-Shreshtha My dear countrymen,
Bharat'. You all know that we when it comes to Kashmir or
are celebrating the 400 birth Srinagar, the first picture that
anniversary of Veer Lachit comes to our minds is of her
Borphukan ji. The brave Lachit valleys and Dal Lake. All of us
Borphukan had liberated would like to enjoy the views of
Guwahati from the clutches of Dal Lake…However, there is one
the tyrannical Mughal Sultanate. more thing special about Dal
Today, the country is getting Lake. Dal Lake is also known for
acquainted with the indomitable its delicious Lotus Stems, also
courage of this great warrior. A known as ‘Kamal Kakdi’. Lotus
few days ago, a campaign for Stems are known by different
essay writing based on the life of names in different places across
Lachit Borphukan was launched. the country. In Kashmir, they are
You will be surprised to know called Nadru. The demand for
that about 45 lakh people sent Nadru of Kashmir is continuously
essays for this. You will also increasing. In light of this
be happy to know that it has demand, farmers cultivating
now become a Guinness World Nadru in Dal Lake have formed
Record. And the biggest thing an FPO. About 250 farmers have
and a matter of great happiness joined this FPO. Today, these
is that these essays that have farmers have started exporting
been written and sent by the their Nadru to foreign countries.
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