P. 24
Dr. Devi Prasad Shetty
Cardiac Surgeon and Chairman, Narayna Health, Bengaluru
Saving Lives Through Organ Donation :
The Ultimate Gift of Life
Around 25 years ago, the organ. Similar is the scenario
I performed the first heart for other organs like the lungs,
transplant in Karnataka. Since liver, etc. The data is alarming.
then, a lot has changed. We It is crucial to know that
have also made progress. More one cadaver donation can
people are coming forward save the lives of eight to nine
willingly to pledge or donate their people. For example, one person
organs. However, we still have has two kidneys, which can be
a long way to go. The need for transplanted to two different
organs far exceeds the number people. Similarly, the liver can be
of donations we receive each split between two patients. While
year. In fact, we need at least 5 many patients are currently
lakh organ donations annually, receiving organs such as kidneys
but we are currently receiving and livers from their relatives,
only a few thousand. This gap there is no choice for organs
can only be bridged if more such as the heart and lungs.
people come forward to donate We can receive them only from
organs. cadavers.
As per the data, 2 lakh people However, there are many
require cornea transplants, but myths still prevalent around
only 50,000 people get them. organ donation in our society. For
We need at least 2 lakh kidneys instance, many people believe
each year, but only 1,600 people that if a part of their body is
receive it. Similarly, we need removed before their cremation,
50,000 heart transplants each they will not get salvation
year, but only 339 people receive after death. Such myths are