Page 52 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 52

In Harmony with Tigers:

              India's Effective Conservation Efforts

                Tigers have been a deeply ingrained part of our cultural
          heritage for generations. Across the nation, there are numerous
        communities where humans and tigers live in harmony. However, in
         places where conflicts do occur, extraordinary measures are taken
                        to ensure the protection of tigers.
                 In the recent episode of 'Mann ki Baat', Prime Minister
          Narendra Modi highlighted and praised the community-led tiger
          conservation efforts across India. One standout example is from
         Maharashtra's Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve, where the Gond and
        Mana tribes have embraced eco-tourism and reduced their reliance
                     on the forest, boosting tiger populations.

              “The  rise in  Tadoba's  tiger   “The Gond and Mana tribes
              population   has    boosted    have historically lived in the
              tourism,   bringing   more     forest area and consider
              domestic and international     themselves part of the
              visitors and improving local   forest,  which  motivates
              villagers' income and living
                                             them to protect it.  The
              standards. As a result, the
                                             recent    acknowledgment
              villagers  actively  support
                                             of these tribes by Prime
              the forest department in
                                             Minister  Modi  in  'Mann  ki
              tiger  conservation  efforts.
                                             Baat' has further motivated
              discouraging activities like
                                             the tribal communities to
              wood collection.  Prime Minister
                                             enhance their conservation
              Narendra Modi’s mention of
                                             efforts.  Local  self-help
              the Gond and Mana tribes in
                                             groups     manage     the
              his 'Mann ki Baat', inspired us
              to continue contributing to    butterfly garden, adventure
              tiger conservation.”           park, and nature.”
                        – Dipa Shashikant     – Ajay Kodape, Ecotourism
                  Nannavare, Safari Guide,     Manager, Agarzari Camp
                    Tadoba-Andhari Tiger                           Site

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