Page 21 - Mann Ki Baat - English
P. 21

groundbreaking   contributions    Emphasising  logical reasoning
          to number theory, infinite series   over  rote learning, the policy
          and continued fractions; and
                                            is poised to cultivate the next
          Bhaskara II, known for his work
                                            generation  of mathematicians
          in  algebra,  calculus  and  other
                                            and innovators. By integrating
          areas. The success of the IMO
                                            mathematical  concepts  with
          2024 team underscores the
          continuing strength of India's    practical  applications  and
          mathematical    education   in    encouraging    interdisciplinary
          today’s  time  and  the  potential   learning, NEP 2020 aims to
          for future achievements. This is   nurture  young  talents  who  can
          India's best performance since    excel in competitions like the IMO.
          its debut in 1989, achieving its
                                            One of its key advancements is
          highest number of
                                                       the    restructured
          gold   medals   and
          securing its highest
                                                       approach,    which
          rank to date. India
                                                       ensures  a gradual
          scored 167 points in the
                                                       and      seamless
          competition,  which
          saw     participation                        transition between
          from a total of 609                          educational levels.
          students—528   boys                          NEP 2020 breaks
          and 81 girls—from 108                        down     traditional
          countries.                                   barriers  between
              Prime    Minister
                                                       arts and sciences,
          Narendra       Modi
                                                       curricular    and
          celebrated       the
          accomplishment as
                                                       activities,   and
          a  national  triumph
          and an inspiration for                       vocational    and
          future   generations.                        academic streams,
          Congratulating   the                         thus     equipping
          team, he said that                           students to thrive in
          this feat will inspire                       a globalised world.
          several other youngsters and
                                               The             remarkable
          help make Mathematics even
                                            achievements  of  India  at  IMO
          more popular.
                                            2024 are truly a reflection of the
              The National Education Policy
                                            country's  rich  mathematical
          2020 has also brought about
                                            heritage  and   the   growing
          transformative changes in the
                                            strength  of  its  educational
          Indian academic sector to foster
          holistic development in students.   framework.
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