P. 14
this, the environment has also
been saved a lot.
Friends, what they have
done in Pune and Diu, such
efforts are being made in
many other places across
the country. This shows how
sensitive we Indians are about
the environment and nature,
and how our country is very
alert for the future generations.
I heartily appreciate all such
will be held in different parts
of Gujarat next month. The
My dear countrymen, in
'Saurashtra-Tamil Sangamam'
our country, with the passage
will run from April 17 to 30.
of time, according to the
Some listeners of 'Mann ki Baat'
situation and circumstances,
must be wondering, what is the
many traditions develop. These
relation of Saurashtra in Gujarat
traditions increase the strength
with Tamil Nadu? Let me tell
of our culture and also give it
you, centuries ago many people
new vitality daily. A few months
from Saurashtra had settled in
ago, one such tradition started
different parts of Tamil Nadu.
in Kashi. During the Kashi-Tamil
These people are still known as
Sangamam, the centuries-
'Saurashtri Tamil'. Even today,
old historical and cultural ties
some glimpses of Saurashtra
between Kashi and the Tamil
can be found in their food habits,
region were celebrated. The
lifestyle and social rituals. Many
spirit of 'Ek Bharat-Shreshtha
people from Tamil Nadu have
Bharat' gives strength to our
written appreciative letters
country. When we know and
to me regarding this event.
learn about each other, this
Jayachandran ji, who lives in
feeling of oneness strengthens.
Madurai, has written something
With this spirit of unity,
very poignant. He said that –
'Saurashtra-Tamil Sangamam'
“After a thousand years, for the
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