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salute them…your father led your in the hope of a healthy life. It is
family members in making such a matter of utmost satisfaction
a big decision, it is really very for me that in order to make
inspiring. I believe that a mother organ donation easy and to
is, afterall, a mother. A mother is encourage it, work is being done
also an inspiration by herself. But on a uniform policy in the whole
the traditions that the mother country. In this direction, it has
leaves behind become a great also been decided to remove
strength from generation to the condition of domicile of the
generation. The inspiration for states, that is, now the patient
organ donation is reaching the will be able to go to any state
whole country today through of the country and register
your mother. I congratulate your for receiving the organs. The
whole family for this sacred and Government has also decided
great work. Thank you Abhijeet to abolish the age limit below
ji, and do convey our regards to 65 for organ donation. In the
your father. midst of these efforts, I urge
Abhijeet ji – Definitely, thank the countrymen that organ
you! donors should come forward
Friends, whether it is in maximum numbers. One
39-day-old Ababat Kaur decision of yours can save the
or 63-year-old Snehlata lives of many people, can give
Chowdhary, great donors like life.
them make us understand My dear countrymen,
the importance of life. In our this is the time of Navratri;
country today, there are a large the time to worship Shakti.
number of needy people who Today, the potential of India,
are waiting for an organ donor which is emerging from a new
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