P. 10

Immediately, we took her to Tata   will not be able to survive, but
        main hospital. She underwent      as soon as this organ donation
        surgery  there.  After  48  hours   discussion  started,   that
        of observation, the doctor said   disappointment turned to a very
        that there are very few chances   positive side and we entered a
        from there on. Then we airlifted   very positive environment. While
        her and brought her to AIIMS      doing  that,  we  had  counselling
        Delhi. She was under treatment    at  8  o'clock  in  the  night.  On
        here  for  about  7-8  days.  After   the second day we did organ
        that  the  observation  was  fine,   donation. Mummy had lofty
        but suddenly her blood pressure   thoughts in this matter… earlier
        dropped a lot, after that, we     she used to be very active in
        came to know that she had         social activities such as eye-
        suffered brain death. Then        donation. Perhaps we were
        the doctor briefed us with the    able to do such a big thing with
        protocol about organ donation.    that very thought in mind, and
        We could not tell our father that   because of my father's decision
        there is something like organ     making regarding this matter,
        donation because we felt that     this thing became possible.
        he would not be able to absorb        Prime Minister  -  How  many
        that. So, we wanted to remove     people  benefitted  through  the
        from his mind that something      organs?
        like that was going on. As soon       Abhijeet ji – Her heart, two
        as we told him that the matter    kidneys, liver and both eyes
        of organ donation was going       were  donated,  so  four  people
        on.  Then he  said  that no -  no,   got their lives back and two
        this was the mother's wish and    people their eyes.
        we had to do this. We were very       Prime Minister- Abhijeet ji,
        disappointed  till the  time we   both your father and mother are
        came to know that mummy           entitled to a respectful bow.  I

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