P. 9

days…and the bigger thing that       Prime Minister – Abhijeet ji,
          today I am talking to you about   Namaskar.
          this topic. We are feeling proud.    Abhijeet ji- Pranam sir.
              Prime Minister - Sukhbir         Prime Minister- Abhijeet ji,
          ji, it is not as if only one part of   you are the son of such a mother
          your daughter is alive today.     who gave you life in a way by
          Your daughter has become          giving birth to you, but even after
          an immortal traveler of the       her death, your mother gave life
          immortal saga of humanity. She    to  many  people. You  Abhijeet
          is present even today through a   must certainly be feeling proud
          part of her body. For this noble   as a son.
          deed, I appreciate you, your         Abhijeet ji - Yes sir.
          wife, and your family.               Prime Minister- Tell us a
              Sukhbir ji – Thank you sir!   little bit about your mother,
              Friends, the greatest feeling   under what circumstances the
          behind organ donation is that     decision of organ donation was
          someone's life should be saved    taken?
          even while leaving. People           Abhijeet ji – There is a small
          who wait for organ donation       village in Jharkhand called
          know  how  difficult  it  is  to  pass   Seraikela,  where  both  my
          each moment of waiting. And       parents live. They used to go on
          in such a situation, when an      a morning walk continuously
          organ donor or a cadaver          for  the  last  twenty-five  years.
          donor is found, then virtually,   According to her routine, she
          a form of the Almighty is seen    left  for  her  morning  walk  at  4
          in him. Snehlata Chaudhary, a     in the morning. At that time a
          resident of Jharkhand, was also   motorcyclist hit her from behind
          like that, giving life to others as   and she fell instantly due to
          the Almighty would! Snehlata      which she suffered severe head
          Chowdhary, 63, donated her        injury. Immediately we took her
          heart, kidney and liver. Today    to Sadar Hospital, Seraikela,
          in 'Mann ki Baat', her son Abhijit   where the doctor bandaged her,
          Chowdhary is with us. Let's hear   but she was bleeding profusely.
          from him.                         And she had no consciousness.

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