Page 34 - MANN KI BAAT (English)
P. 34

demonstration     of    India's   messages    to  highlight  the
        commitment to democracy, a        importance of their first vote in
        polling booth was set up deep     shaping India's future.
        inside Gujarat's Gir forest for       Pink Booths in Elections
        a lone voter, Mahant Haridas,         The Election Commission's
        a   temple    priest.  Election   initiative to set up ‘Pink Booths,’
        officials  undertook  a  two-day   all-women managed  polling
        journey through rough terrain     stations,  aims  to  promote
        to ensure he could cast his       gender equality and enhance
        ballot, showcasing the Election   women's participation in the
        Commission's   dedication   to    electoral process. In the 2024
        ensuring every vote counts.       Lok Sabha  Elections  in Odisha,
            Youth as the Pillars of       the commission established 10%
        Democracy                         of polling booths as ‘all-women
            With   a    large   youth     centers’ in every assembly seat.
        population, efforts to engage     This move follows successful
        first-time  voters  are  crucial.   trials in states like Uttar Pradesh,
        The Mera Pehla Vote Desh          Bihar, and West Bengal, where
        Ke liye campaign, initiated       women-run booths have led to
        by  the Government  of India,     increased female voter turnout
        encouraged young voters to        and empowerment.
        register and participate in           Leveraging Technology
        elections, featuring interactive      Voter   registration  has
        drives,    voter    education     been  simplified  through  online
        programs, and motivational        portals, and initiatives like the

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